Results Online, On time
Genecis Clinical Portal
Looking for patient’s results in different systems, with different logins and searches, in different departments creates frustration and wastes clinical time.
MediViewer provides easy access to diagnostic results (Cardiology, Laboratory, Radiology etc) for a patient at any time on any device. MediViewer is a module of the GeneCIS suite.
Key Benefits
Time efficient
The ability to access patient files via a web-based single login portal ensures Clinicians save valuable time and facilitates more efficient healthcare delivery.
High rates of user adoption
The simple interface has been designed in conjunction with healthcare professionals.
Safe and Secure
Mediviewer provides a safe and secure means of displaying inpatient and outpatient results that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Efficient and effective integrated care
Patient information can be shared appropriately across multiple care providers.

Key Features
- Significantly improves the clinicians experience by making critical documents easier to locate.
- Comprehensive audit features.
- End to end tracking of patient records and documentation.
- A simple but elegant interface that is intuitive, capable of use on any device (Workstation, Tablet or Mobile).
- Safe and Secure.
”Initially there was a faster take-up by GP’s but more recently the usage is now about 50/50 between GP’s and Consultants from the length and breadth of the country and even in other hospitals. We now have in excess of 250 users and feedback has been extremely positive”
John Hayes
Head of IT
Blackrock Clinic
Head of IT
Blackrock Clinic
[Download] GeneCIS feature sheet
Learn more about the benefits of each module of the GeneCIS Clinical Portal.
GeneCIS facilitates the entire patient journey from the appointment referral through to the Patient Discharge Summary
eReferrals- Multi Speciality electronic referral system
Clinical Summaries- Safely record and communicate clinical notes between Clinical teams
MediViewer- Patient Results Online On time
eDischarge- Web-based Electronic Discharge Summary Solution
ePrescription- Reducing Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events
3rd Party Integration- Cost effective integration with existing systems