Web-based Electronic Discharge Summary Solution.
Genecis Clinical Portal
Paper-based Discharge summaries are often illegible, incomplete or received too late for the information to be considered clinically useful. GeneCIS eDischarge facilitates the creation of electronic discharge summaries, designed to address these deficiencies. eDischarge improves the continuity of patient care, enhances communication and improves the accuracy of data in discharge summaries. eDischarge is a module of the GeneCIS Clinical Portal which enables clinicians to rapidly record all diagnoses, treatments & medications at the point of care.
GeneCIS eDischarge uses an easy-to-use data capture format that ensures accuracy and enforces data standards to produce complete and accurate eDischarge summaries. Consultants can review and approve discharge summaries at the end of a patients’ stay in hospital or even after the patient has been discharged. If the consultant sees any omissions or errors in the eDischarge summary, these can be added or corrected in the updated summary field and sent electronically to the patients’ GP instantaneously upon approval.
Benefits of eDischarge
Minimum training required as the system is simple and intuitive.
Patient Safety
Handover of care between the Hospital Clinician and the GP is better managed and safer.
Greater Accuracy
eDischarge delivers complete and accurate records of care at discharge.
Greater Accessibility
The creation of an instantly accessible record of care, available on all workstations to authenticated users
Patient History
If patients are re-readmitted or attend the Emergency Department out of hours, previous admissions history is available.
Improved patient care
Where Patients are referred between Secondary and Tertiary Care, care delivery details are available to the attending clinician.
Faster and cheaper
The Discharge letter when approved is immediately sent to the GP in an HL7 format (or via email).
Ease of implementation
Zero footprint on a PC, tablet or PDA means hospital-wide deployment is simple & secure.
Patient Information
Information is available and shareable between care providers across the care delivery system.

Key features of eDischarge
- GeneCIS eDischarge is a foundation of the EHR.
- All patient information is stored on the PAS.
- Patient Information is updated automatically.
- Patient information is accessed in real time at any location.
- Password protected Authentication (Secure).
- Accessible on a computer, laptop and tablet.
- Provides key information on diagnosis, allergies,
treatment, procedures, complications etc.
GeneCIS eDischarge has been a great success. Its acceptance by medical staff and admin has been excellent simply because it makes their job easier and also offer clear benefits to our patients whether discharged or readmitted. The project had the full support of the records committee, clinical directors, consultant and management team.
Martin Molloy
IS Manager
HSE West