InfoFlex Solution
About InfoFlex
DMF Systems have provided InfoFlex which is currently being implemented in 22 Hospitals with 26 Intensive Care Units across Ireland. The ICU Clinical Audit System (ICUCAS) is designed to conduct the clinical audit for patient safety and care quality. The Audit provides for a peer benchmarking facility with similar ICU units in Ireland and Internationally.
InfoFlex is designed specifically to support the capture of information and workflow processes across organisations and departments. A powerful toolset that integrates with existing information systems.

ICUCAS Implementation
In Ireland the ICU Clinical Audit System (ICUCAS) is being implemented by DMF Systems on behalf of the National Office of Clinical Audit (NOCA) and the HSE. The National ICU Audit is a quality and patient safety initiative that measures the quality of care in each ICU, benchmarking against international standards. Activity within the participating ICUs is carefully measured to help improve the standard of critical care within hospital groups and across the country.
References to implementation partner organisations.
For more information about the National office of Clinical Audit (NOCA).
For more information about InfoFlex.
ICNARC in the UK provides quarterly statistics and benchmark reports. Anonymised data is extracted from ICUCAS securely transmitted to ICNARC each quarter.