Cancer Remote Monitoring
Surviving Cancer in Ireland, optimising peoples’ quality of life post treatment is one of the priority outcome goals.
We understand that recovery and the aftercare pathway for Cancer survivors remains one of the greatest delivery challenges, some 30% of cancer survivors post treatment have recorded unmet needs 6 months post treatment in the UK, we would expect that here in Ireland the figures will be comparable.
To address this issue, DMF Systems and InfoFlex are delivering a solution for Managing Risk Stratified Pathways.
The solution is successfully implemented in NHS Manchester and at the Macmillan recovery centers (Wythenshawe, Trafford, Withington, Altrincham). The solution currently helps Breast and colorectal cancer survivors with recovery and aftercare. The solution allows staff to safely stratify patient support while facilitating Care tracking and delivers alerts where necessary.
Please click on the following interview with Jane Brown. Jane is the implementation lead for the Macmillan recovery package. This explains why Macmillan & NHS Manchester chose this InfoFlex module to help deliver better Recovery and aftercare for cancer survivors.